Researcher Database


Results of [ Affilication : Health Evaluation Center ]

1 - 10 out of 10 results

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No. Organization Position Name Research Area Research Keyword
1 Department of Social and Environmental Medicine
Health Evaluation Center
Professor SAKURAI Masaru Cardiovascular epidemiology, preventive cardiology Diabetes Mellitus, Epidemiology, Public Health
2 Department of Social and Environmental Medicine
Health Evaluation Center
Professor ISHIZAKI Masao Occupational health, Epidemiology for cardiovascular disease Industrial health
3 Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
Division of Innovative Research
Health Evaluation Center
Medical Research Institute
Professor NISHIJO Muneko Epidemiology of cadmium pollution, Environmental epidemiology, Environmental health sciences Cadmium, Dioxins, life prognosis, neurotoxicity, next generation impact
4 Medical Science
Health Evaluation Center
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
School of Nursing
Professor MORIKAWA Yuko Cardiovascular epidemiology, occupational medicine epidemiology, circulatory disease, diabetes mellitus, work-related disorders, physchosocial factors, shift work
5 Health Evaluation Center
Department of Geriatric Medicine
Professor IWAI Kunimitsu Geriatrics, Circulation, Cell Biology, Cardiology. 1. nuclear matrix 2.mental stress, coronary arteriosclerosis
6 Health Evaluation Center Associate Professor NAKANISHI Yumiko Preventive medicine Preventive medicine
7 Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
Health Evaluation Center
Senior Assistant Professor NAGASAWA Shinya Cardiovascular epidemiology, preventive cardiology Cardiology, Epidemiology
8 Health Evaluation Center
Department of Respiratory Medicine
Assistant Professor OIKAWA Rieko clinical respiratory medicine , lung cancer
9 Health Evaluation Center
Department of Cardiology
Assistant Professor ISHIDA Ryoko Ischemic heart disease, Coronary intervention Circulatory organs internal medicine
10 Health Evaluation Center Assistant Professor KAWANAMI Haruka Hematology and Immunology
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