HARA Akira

FacultyHuman Sciences

Researcher Profile & Settings


    Overview of research:
    In the German-language area from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, many prominent intellects appeared in various fields of culture. Hofmannsthal is also one of such intellects in the field of literature. He almost spent the entirety of his life in Vienna, but his influence reaches the whole spiritual world of modern Europe. I analyze his acquaintanceship with intellects of that time and extract the essence of the modern culture in the German-language area and furthermore in all Europe.


  • Nagoya University Graduate School Division of Letters
  • Nagoya University Faculty of Literature

Association Memberships

  • 19982000Internationale Vereinigung fur Germanistische Sprach ?und Literaturwisienschaft

Academic & Professional Experience

  • Apr. 1981Mar. 1983Kanazawa Medical University, Faculty of Medicine Assistant
  • Apr. 1983Mar. 2003Kanazawa Medical University, Faculty of Medcine Lecturer
  • Apr. 2003Mar. 2007Kanazawa Medical University, Faculty of Medicine Associate Professor
  • Apr. 2007Kanazawa Medical University, Faculty of Medicine Associate Professor

Research Activities

Published Papers

  • Lesen wir Deutsch! Strategie des Lesens der deutschen Sprache, HARA Akira, Ikubundo2002
  • Der Garten der deutschen b(]E88DB[)rgerlichen Gesellschaft, HARA Akira2000
  • Hofmannsthals M(]E88DB[)nchner Rede-Nervosit(]E88D2[)t und Erhabenheit eines Intellektuellen, HARA Akira, telos1995
  • Hugo von Hofmannsthals Die Briefe des Zur(]J1168[)ckgekehrten"", HARA Akira, Memoirs on Liberal Arts and Sciences Kanazawa Medical University1991
  • Deutsche Grammatik im Seminarzimmer, HARA Akira, Dogakusha1989
  • Der Briefwechsel zwischen Hofmannsthal und Rilke, HARA Akira, FDT?1986
  • Der Brief des Lord Chandos" unter einem neuen Aspekt", HARA Akira, Memoirs of the College of Liberal Arts Kanazawa Medical University1984
  • Erz(]J1103[)hlungen Hugo van Hofmannsthals, HARA Akira, Doitsu bungaku kenkyu1982
  • Die Figuren in Hofmannsthals Romanfragment Andreas"", HARA Akira, The Journal of Gifu College of Economics1981